Friday, February 12, 2010

Installing Wiper Pulse Board

Orba: e-magazine for women

by: Laura Raffaeli

banner Orba Moderna orizzontale E 'created a new e-magazine (e-magazine ) all female but not feminist, "MODERN ORBA" is the title.

It 's a newly created e-magazine, the website is under construction so it is subject to distortions or strange things, but seems to have been able to do a site pretty affordable (anything ever seen on the web, even important texts). I like the title
much, also recalls the most famous sound "OM". I really had fired a day to play (cazzeggiano since I was born), but it's a title that you like and many have joined my call and write in this new e-magazine dedicated primarily to women, and " all I mean including the disabled, what other magazines do not!
How do you deal with a blind woman to dinner? How do you put make-up in the dark? What are the best accessories for those who can not see? How to communicate with a deaf woman to dinner?
"We'll never go to dinner with a disability," probably many people will answer this, then we actually go and look for a well fucked regularly rejected for all the trouble you have combinato a cena! Comunque verranno inseriti news e articoli di ogni tipo, al fine di rendere "Orba Moderna" un e-magazine al femminile sì, ma per tutti . Scrivono anche uomini infatti, sono molto contenta di questa cosa, non reggo le cose ghettizzanti (solo donne, solo uomini, solo disabili, solo normo, ecc.).
Orba Moderna è su .
Per ora non è registrata, se qualcuno farà una donazione a Blindsight Project (lo sponsor di O.M. ) la registreremo subito, altrimenti dovremo aspettare tempi migliori (spero prestissimo comunque), per ora cominciate ad entrare su Orba Moderna , to read "about us" or as "public" (you can also report your blog post, publish news, articles and press releases). We also expect to "Modern Orba!

illustrated: the logo of Modern Orba, with the face of the robot of Metropolis (thanks to Mara happen to me once again and created the logo)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting Herpes On Top Of Ur Nose


From The Daily Newspaper Done
of February 4, 2010

Antonio Massari

The company Tarantini saved by a man very close to the Civil Defence. And 'this is the interesting side dish Tecnohospital, company Gianpi Tarantino, the man who led by Silvio Berlusconi Patrick D'Addario. "Gianpi" has always kept out of the premier escort from each other, stressing repeatedly that the money paid to women to be submissive con il premier, erano sempre stati versati, da lui stesso, all'insaputa di Berlusconi. La sua verità ha risparmiato al presidente del Consiglio parecchi imbarazzi, dopo averne creati altrettanti, per avergli presentato una donna che ha registrato Berlusconi fin dentro la camera da letto. Ma perchè Tarantini aveva tanta premura di presentare belle donne al premier? Tarantini, pochi mesi fa, dichiarò agli inquirenti che intendeva avvicinare la Protezione Civile: era quello – ha dichiarato – uno degli scopi per i quali aveva avvicinato Berlusconi. Oggi scopriamo che nella compravendita della società di Tarantini, un incrocio con la Protezione Civile - o meglio: con una persona considerata the "right arm" of his boss, Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- there. While passing. The Tecnohospital, Tarantini company, trading in medical implants, had done business with the whole of Puglia, grossing millions of Euros from public health. The same Tecnohospital then the cyclone is over the investigations conducted by the Prosecutor of Bari, on corruption in the public health, investigation that is shaking many white-collar workers in the region. A company that sheet, then given the deal of suspicion concerning him. A company might have several problems remain in the market, given the bad publicity obtained by legal proceedings. Yet anyone who has acquired. For 300 000 €. Though the company has debts of € 6 million.

The buyer is called Gian Luca Calvi, director of the company Myrmex spa, which occupies the same branch - the marketing of implants - and does so at high levels. Myrmex buy Tecnohospital (since passed into the hands of Tarantino's mother, Maria Giovanna Tattoli, - reads the contract, signed Dec. 22, 2009, and registered January 12, 2010 - without acquiring debt, receivables and inventory. Not will cover the six million debt. Among them, however, also appear with the debts of the same Tecnohospital Myrmex. The company is still family Tarantini in life and, at least, recover € 300 000 at a time of great financial crisis. A successful rescue perfectly. The interesting thing, though, is that the ring is just playing by Gian Luca Calvi, brother Gian Michele Calvi, President of Eucentre, body - a non-profit, says the home page - founded by his Civil Protection. And above all reference to the civil protection of the CASE project, in the Eagle, for the reconstruction after the earthquake. Gian Michele Calvi is defined by many, now, a sort of right-hand Bertolaso.

Let's go back to buying. With a prerequisite: Myrmex and Tecnohospital you "knew" for some time. Myrmex undertakes to buy - is written in the contract - "some company assets such as buildings, furniture and equipment, software, the right to use the property used as a headquarters." The 300 000 euro will be paid "when the court of Bari establish by decree of admission to the arrangement." The arrangement is a passage of the judicial procedures bankruptcy. Another sign that a company in serious condition. Another interesting point of agreement is as follows: the Myrmex which purchases the company Tarantini, is owed, just by Tecnohospital, no less than 1 million I-603 and the euro. And the rescue company - the latter particularly reading - is even more interesting. It is true that in recent years Tecnohospital ended contracts for millions of euro, the government of Apulia. And it is true that Tarantino should collect several more of this money. But it is also true that the Myrmex not have the right: the company of Calvi, in fact, buying for 300 000 €, the waiver is in debt, and receivables. In the evening, Gian Luca Calvi did not want to answer telephone questions of fact or purchase of the company nor on the relationship with Gian Michele.

Good Faith Estimate, Am I Closer

“B. non vuole farsi processare”

Done From The Daily Newspaper
of February 4, 2010

Pernicone Catherine and Sara Nicoli

approved in the House yesterday, the disputes between Members dell’Italia dei Valori, il provvedimento sul legittimo impedimento. Per due giorni l’aula di Montecitorio è stata impegnata a discutere l’ennesima legge ad personam. Il testo, infatti, consente al premier e ai ministri di “saltare” i processi, di rinvio in rinvio, fino a un massimo di 18 mesi, tempo entro il quale dovrà arrivare un lodo Alfano-bis per lo “scudo” alle alte cariche dello Stato. Con questa norma, quindi, Palazzo Chigi potrà “autocertificare” gli impegni istituzionali del presidente del Consiglio e il giudice dovrà prenderne atto e sospendere il processo. La tensione a Montecitorio è arrivata solo col voto finale al provvedimento, i cartelli con the words "caste of untouchables" or "lawful impediment, legitimate impunity" IDV on the benches, balls of paper dropped from the benches of the majority. The PD leader Bersani to blame: the cause for such failure "is made up of many rules are not simple, but people understand one simple thing: there is half of Berlusconi, a prime minister who does not want to be judged and Italy holds firm on this point in a crazy war between politics and justice. " And with the repartee between the leader of the PDL, Fabrizio Cicchitto and Massimo D'Alema: "You, Mr D'Alema - stressed the exponent of the center during the declaration of the vote - has less need for lawyers by Mr Berlusconi, is for a different attitude towards him of many judges from Di Pietro, both in the past because she is unable to claim immunity European Parliament and the headquarters of the parliamentary vote in favor of the center, which are not guaranteed one-way as you. " D'Alema spoke before the final vote: "I do not have never availed himself of any immunity - he replied - have been investigated for eight years by the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Venice by the court Nordio. This period of eight years he also the period when I was president of the Council. I was suspect, I have answered questions from the judge, although I met him was secretary of the main party of government and then President of the Council. After eight years I have been acquitted. " But for the PDL hearing every three days (counting those planned for the prime minister in the coming months) can not govern . Is not prevented, however, some as Matteoli, Castelli or Brunetta, is a candidate to double its office or maybe tripled. Until yesterday evening, two days of discussion had taken place without any major shocks: here is the speaker to the phone, who plays poker on the PC or even those who respond to messages on Facebook. The boredom of Deputies for discussion for the nth prime is palpable and even the Democratic Party - which considers the legal impediment to the lesser of two evils between immunity and quick process - discussing, without exaggeration, hundreds of amendments to embarrass the approval of the measure. Outside the palace no longer feel the fireworks of Alcoa workers but there is a manifestation of the "purple people" who Autoconvocate the initiative via e-mail and text message, saying that "you can not miss in front of Montecitorio , the spurious ground will be voted Berlusconi and the process will be avoided. "

"This must be with us - he thunders at the end of the morning dall'emiciclo dolphin Casini, Roberto Rao - if the process is not quick to come back to September, the mediation UDC has served on the legal impediment to this. " If Rao's words were true it would be worthwhile to make the newly Casini of the Christian Democrats - who abstained from voting on such failure - a monument to the value. But it is not. The process was not quick at all removed from the calendars of the classroom, but only postponed, probably in September, search of a wider convergence. It 'goes without saying that the reform of the justice process is not a priority as prime minister. The encounter gentler than yesterday, however, occurred far from the corridors of the House, or at the Quirinale. The minister Alfano rose to the highest hill to make sure that the head of state, when such failure has also successfully passed a vote of the Senate (ie by end of month), will not find anything to complain and will sign the promulgation quietly. It is not known how he responded Giorgio Napolitano, but it is known, however, that on Monday three amendments of the majority that even the most extended highest offices of State (Presidents of Chambers and, indeed, the President of the Republic) had been withdrawn. Napolitano, in essence, would not have liked the Quirinale could be involved in such failure.