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Friday, April 23, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Milena /nadine / Milk
Think first: the phone
Another reason to quarrel with young adolescents: the phone. From the site the 10 rules for correct use of mobile
and some additions: (Source: unonotizie )
- do not let them use children under 12 years
- always use the headset (even better on speakerphone)
- ; to stay more than 1 meter away from a person who is talking on the phone
- do not hold the phone on the body even if you're not calling
- always pay attention to turn out the side of the antenna
- use the phone for short conversations. For longer calls, landline phones but not wireless
- do not put the device near your ear before beginning of the conversation. Ear
changed frequently - do not use the phone in areas where the signal is weak or in the car or train
- the preferred communication sms
- when purchased choose a cell phone devices that have the power to absorb electromagnetic lower
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Another reason to quarrel with young adolescents: the phone. From the site the 10 rules for correct use of mobile
and some additions: (Source: unonotizie )
- do not let them use children under 12 years
- always use the headset (even better on speakerphone)
- ; to stay more than 1 meter away from a person who is talking on the phone
- do not hold the phone on the body even if you're not calling
- always pay attention to turn out the side of the antenna
- use the phone for short conversations. For longer calls, landline phones but not wireless
- do not put the device near your ear before beginning of the conversation. Ear
changed frequently - do not use the phone in areas where the signal is weak or in the car or train
- the preferred communication sms
- when purchased choose a cell phone devices that have the power to absorb electromagnetic lower
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Similarly, in "10 RULES FOR PROPER USE OF MOBILE PHONE" published BLUE AND MOBILE ANTENNAS: Possible long-term risks - MOBILE, OUR WORST FRIEND "by Angelo Gino Levis.
Similarly in "TEN RULES FOR A CORRECT USE OF MOBILE", a set of guidelines to protect themselves from electromagnetic fields caused by mobile phones. The boards are of the Association and Prof. LEVIS Viennese physician, published in Altreconomia "Invasion FIELD.
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Similar "INSTRUCTIONS" indicated they are in getting better "wave upon wave - electromagnetic fields: effects on health? "number 63 of the Regional Health Service Local Health EMILIA-ROMAGNA Bologna and Imola.
With the addition of some notes:
- do not hold the phone on him (best in stock) NE 'KEEP IT CLOSE TO READ THE NIGHT
- ; Do not use the phone in the car: it is a dangerous distraction from driving, among other things, heavily fined and the passenger compartment MULTIPLY EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC
- People with heart pacemakers or other devices implanted electronic device should maintain a safety distance of at least 30 cm from your phone, especially if GSM, because the electromagnetic waves emitted can interfere with proper operation of these devices
----------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------
Similar "INFORMATION Radiating "-" 10 HYGIENE RULES FOR USE OF MOBILE PHONE "edited by the Viennese physician added:
- Do not keep it in his pants pocket SINCE 'L' Irradiation may 'have adverse effects on FERTILITY' MALE
- the earphones are not harmless. The wire has a conductor for radiating
------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
Similarly, in "10 RULES FOR PROPER USE OF MOBILE PHONE "APPLELETTROSMOG member association of the national network that adds ELECTROSMOG NO:
- cinema, theater, school runs and uses the CELL PHONE OFF ' answering option. CELL PHONE TO SCHOOL 'IS PROHIBITED BY LAW
- indoor cell phone increases its output power: in enclosed places try to use the landline (not cordless )
More info:,
Study Institute superiore di sanità: giovani e cellulari
More info:,
Study Institute superiore di sanità: giovani e cellulari
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Erection During Sugaring
Think first ... contact lenses
Oggi è la giornata del pensaci prima, inteso come "usa il cervello".
Con mio figlio non faccio altro che "predicare" ogni giorno sull'uso corretto delle lenti a contatto, perchè non vi dico come le usa, anzi, le "abusa"...
Ho fatto così un giro sul web, e ora attaccherò le stampe in giro per la sua stanza, sperando che almeno legga...
Gli adolescenti si sentono invincibili e se ne fregano delle "precauzioni" di ogni genere, ma è ora che usino un po' il cervello, per evitare conseguenze gravi per il loro futuro. Il futuro è loro, non di noi genitori, e noi non possiamo far altro che cercare di farglielo capire.
Per mio figlio:
Raccolta di consigli per le lenti a contatto. (fonte: diversi articoli presi dal web) - Secondo il Dott. Thomas J. Liesegang, oftalmologo alla Mayo Clinic di Jacksonville, Florida, queste “disattenzioni” possono causare dolori, occhi irritati, abrasioni della cornea fino ad arrivare alle lacerazioni che potenzialmente possono condurre alla perdita della vista .
Col passare del tempo queste pratiche aumentano il rischio di danni permanenti alla cornea , lo strato trasparente esterno dell’occhio, including a loss of corneal cells, a thinning of the layer and its change in shape (distortion of the cornea).
Dr. Liesegang, which published an article about this topic in the recent issue of The CLAO Journal, the publication of the Contact Lens Association of Ophtalmologists, warns that contact lenses have multiple effects on the cornea than people and images while some cases the effects may be reversible, in other situations the damage may be permanent.
The long-term effects of this damage, although small, are not fully known and could cause vision problems con il trascorrere degli anni .
Sebbene il numero di utilizzatori di lenti a contatto che vanno incontro ad effetti indesiderati sia modesto, sembra anche per gli utilizzatori “diligenti possa esserci qualche rischio . Il ridotto apporto d’ossigeno alla cornea , causato dall’applicazione delle lenti, porta ad un accumulo di anidride carbonica nei tessuti . Come risultato, si può creare una risposta infiammatoria caratterizzata da arrossamento e gonfiore. I batteri possono rimanere intrappolati sotto le lenti, portando infezioni oculari.
Altre raccomandazioni:
What are the most suitable products to clean and store my contact lenses?
The solutions must be chosen depending on the type of lens used and the composition of tear of the bearer. Follow the advice of your optician: he knows is that the lens has recommended that the characteristics of your eye.
Can I reuse the solution in which I had saved le lenti a contatto?
No! La soluzione è efficace per la detersione e la corretta conservazione delle lenti solo per una volta.
I flaconi delle soluzioni sono sempre molto ingombranti, c'è un sistema più comodo?
Esistono delle soluzioni che vengono vendute in formati particolari, ideati appositamente per il viaggio.
Se ho gli occhi arrossati posso indossare le lenti a contatto?
No, non si devono indossare in presenza di arrossamento ed altri fastidi. In caso persista il fenomeno è consigliare contattare il proprio medico oculista.
E 'in general bad use made of soft lenses to cause visual disturbances . The warning is the Italian Society of Cornea Transplant ( SITRAC ), to discuss about the increase of infections and lacerations of the cornea leading to blindness . The data that are more troubling, disconcerting an Italian daily loss of sight due to contact lenses , especially among adolescents.
explains Emilio Balestrazzi , president of SITRAC :
To avoid problems requires a careful and scrupulous daily hygiene of the lenses, as well as referring to the instructions (often undervalued and ignored); use liquid Cleaning unexpired ; change the container of the lenses every 3-6 months for you to not turn into a treasure trove of bacteria ; share absolutely no cosmetic lenses. In addition, the first sign of discomfort and irritation of contact lenses should be removed . Unfortunately alcohol and smoking contribute to mitigate the perception of physical discomfort , and so in the nightclubs where fashion cosmetic lenses are more worn, the risk of permanent damage to the eye is very high.
Oggi è la giornata del pensaci prima, inteso come "usa il cervello".
Con mio figlio non faccio altro che "predicare" ogni giorno sull'uso corretto delle lenti a contatto, perchè non vi dico come le usa, anzi, le "abusa"...
Ho fatto così un giro sul web, e ora attaccherò le stampe in giro per la sua stanza, sperando che almeno legga...
Gli adolescenti si sentono invincibili e se ne fregano delle "precauzioni" di ogni genere, ma è ora che usino un po' il cervello, per evitare conseguenze gravi per il loro futuro. Il futuro è loro, non di noi genitori, e noi non possiamo far altro che cercare di farglielo capire.
Per mio figlio:
Raccolta di consigli per le lenti a contatto. (fonte: diversi articoli presi dal web) - Secondo il Dott. Thomas J. Liesegang, oftalmologo alla Mayo Clinic di Jacksonville, Florida, queste “disattenzioni” possono causare dolori, occhi irritati, abrasioni della cornea fino ad arrivare alle lacerazioni che potenzialmente possono condurre alla perdita della vista .
Col passare del tempo queste pratiche aumentano il rischio di danni permanenti alla cornea , lo strato trasparente esterno dell’occhio, including a loss of corneal cells, a thinning of the layer and its change in shape (distortion of the cornea).
Dr. Liesegang, which published an article about this topic in the recent issue of The CLAO Journal, the publication of the Contact Lens Association of Ophtalmologists, warns that contact lenses have multiple effects on the cornea than people and images while some cases the effects may be reversible, in other situations the damage may be permanent.
The long-term effects of this damage, although small, are not fully known and could cause vision problems con il trascorrere degli anni .
Sebbene il numero di utilizzatori di lenti a contatto che vanno incontro ad effetti indesiderati sia modesto, sembra anche per gli utilizzatori “diligenti possa esserci qualche rischio . Il ridotto apporto d’ossigeno alla cornea , causato dall’applicazione delle lenti, porta ad un accumulo di anidride carbonica nei tessuti . Come risultato, si può creare una risposta infiammatoria caratterizzata da arrossamento e gonfiore. I batteri possono rimanere intrappolati sotto le lenti, portando infezioni oculari.
Altre raccomandazioni:
- eseguire un controllo periodico dall’ottico e, in caso di problemi riscontrati, dall’oculista.
- seguire le istruzioni d’uso
- portare con sé un paio di occhiali da vista per sostituire le lenti in caso di irritazioni
- lavarsi le mani prima di toccare le lenti (pratica spesso “dimenticata”dagli adolescenti)
- pulire attentamente le lenti
Domande frequenti
Posso continuare a indossare le lenti disposable fin quando le sopporto, anche oltre il tempo d'uso indicato?
No, once you open the package the lenses should be replaced within the period indicated.
and sunbathing?
It may, but is not recommended. If you were in terms of having to do it would be advisable to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
If you do not use contact lenses every day I can use them for a period longer than recommended?
No, the duration of the contact lens should be considered based on the date of opening the package and not based on the actual period of use of the lens.
And if I'm wrong and put them in reverse?
Today, many contact lenses have a sign of reversing that facilitates the recognition of right and wrong side of the lens. However, if you were to wear a lens on the contrary, a feeling of discomfort will warn us of the error. Simply remove the lens, turn it, rinse it and put it back again.
Posso continuare a indossare le lenti disposable fin quando le sopporto, anche oltre il tempo d'uso indicato?
No, once you open the package the lenses should be replaced within the period indicated.
and sunbathing?
It may, but is not recommended. If you were in terms of having to do it would be advisable to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
If you do not use contact lenses every day I can use them for a period longer than recommended?
No, the duration of the contact lens should be considered based on the date of opening the package and not based on the actual period of use of the lens.
And if I'm wrong and put them in reverse?
Today, many contact lenses have a sign of reversing that facilitates the recognition of right and wrong side of the lens. However, if you were to wear a lens on the contrary, a feeling of discomfort will warn us of the error. Simply remove the lens, turn it, rinse it and put it back again.
What are the most suitable products to clean and store my contact lenses?
The solutions must be chosen depending on the type of lens used and the composition of tear of the bearer. Follow the advice of your optician: he knows is that the lens has recommended that the characteristics of your eye.
Can I reuse the solution in which I had saved le lenti a contatto?
No! La soluzione è efficace per la detersione e la corretta conservazione delle lenti solo per una volta.
I flaconi delle soluzioni sono sempre molto ingombranti, c'è un sistema più comodo?
Esistono delle soluzioni che vengono vendute in formati particolari, ideati appositamente per il viaggio.
Se ho gli occhi arrossati posso indossare le lenti a contatto?
No, non si devono indossare in presenza di arrossamento ed altri fastidi. In caso persista il fenomeno è consigliare contattare il proprio medico oculista.
Pulizia e manutenzione delle lenti a contatto
Contact lenses are to be touched only with clean hands and dry. Guidelines need to be cleaned daily with special detergents and as a result of cleaning immersed in appropriate preservation solutions where to go for a few hours left . before reuse but remember to rinse .
If tearing or pain remove them immediately and if necessary consult an eye doctor, we replaced the lenses when they are damaged or scratched.
explains Emilio Balestrazzi , president of SITRAC :
Every day an Italian vision loss due to incorrect or improper use of contact lenses and this damage is irreversible relate largely to the kids.The thing that is feared is that the infection is subtle, not immediately occurs because the eye lens that does not tolerate the damage suffered annoyance, but problems also come at a later date , when the infection has already spread. Thirty carriers in a hundred thousand suffer serious corneal degeneration , including many under thirty years using soft lenses.
To avoid problems requires a careful and scrupulous daily hygiene of the lenses, as well as referring to the instructions (often undervalued and ignored); use liquid Cleaning unexpired ; change the container of the lenses every 3-6 months for you to not turn into a treasure trove of bacteria ; share absolutely no cosmetic lenses. In addition, the first sign of discomfort and irritation of contact lenses should be removed . Unfortunately alcohol and smoking contribute to mitigate the perception of physical discomfort , and so in the nightclubs where fashion cosmetic lenses are more worn, the risk of permanent damage to the eye is very high.
comes from a 'survey commissioned by Nextplora ' Italian Institute of Ophthalmology the dangers that exist in the 'use of contact lenses with little precautions. In fact, in Italy the figure is very alarming every 24 hours someone loses an eye out for poor contact lens hygiene . Fortunately in our country 's use is rather low: it is estimated that only 35% of Italians prefer it' s use than spectacles.
Rules to be observed:
- the lenses should be massaged with the fingers (a technique called rub) and then clean with appropriate salt solutions, this technique is used to remove the protein layer that is deposited after hours of use
- replace i contenitori per le lenti almeno una volta al mese
- mai utilizzare acqua corrente per pulirle e tanto meno fare docce o bagni in piscina indossandole
Quest’ultimo punto è molto importante in quanto è attraverso l’acqua corrente che avvengono le più comuni infezioni tra cui candida , streptococco, stafilococco, pseudomonas ; ma l’ infezione più devastante è quella da acantoameba , un microrganismo molto tenace, che provoca ascessi e cheratiti corneali il più delle volte irreversibili .
ADVICE / How to protect your eyes to the sea and mountains. You may corneal injury and conjunctivitis
Holidays with contact lenses: the sand hazards more
In summer, the contact lens wearers (Lac) should handle situations where a small mistake can lead to troublesome consequences. Hard or soft they are, the attention must be increased because you risk injury to the cornea or conjunctiva. It is not always in a place where there is an emergency room, the less eye.
'D' summer - says Paolo Vinciguerra, chief ophthalmologist of the 'Istituto Humanitas, Rozzano (Milan) - wearers of contact lenses increases. Bathing with glasses, for example, is not comfortable. " In summer, increases the number of those who choose the Lac, but rises in the number of eye injuries caused by improper use of these lenses.
What are the risks? "Abrasions and ulcerations (sores) from foreign bodies or infections from poor hygiene - continues Vinciguerra -. Just a grain of sand or a fly that slips between the lens and eye or under the eyelid to cause damage. These bodies act as a grater, ending with the wounding the conjunctiva.
In these cases you should not rub the eye, it threatens to drive the particle in the eyelid and worse. We must leave on the tear film: it is the best defensive weapon. If the particle is, you have to remove the contact lens, put themselves under a stream of running water by opening and closing the eye without any compression. Following the wash before returning it to the lens. "
But sometimes the discomfort he feels and then we end up with an injury . Why? "All the soft contact lenses protect the nerve endings when there un'escoriazione and do not trigger the bell 'alarm of pain. is when you remove that part of the trouble, sometimes too late to prevent injury : in this case should go to a doctor immediately.
" 's first hygiene. No problem to use lenses disposable, maximum attention to the other. The soft is a receptacle for bacteria or fungi. So it is essential to the daily cleaning: wash your hands when you do these things, you have everything on a freshly laundered towel, cleaned daily with soap and water vials where you keep your lenses (even externally) , use the liquid preservative according to the manufacturer's instructions, meet deadlines (if a Lac is 15 days should be changed even if you reach a single day). At sea, the evening is a clean place to be. " Bathing in salt water can be done? "The salt permeates the biomaterial of the lens or semi-soft and then dehydrate the 'eye with serious damage. And there is the risk of losing them. Then, to see the seabed better to use the classic swimmer goggles over the lens. Even the spray could cause trouble. If so, rinse with fresh water drinking. " And the sun or the wind? " Sunglasses mandatory, as do non-lens wearers. Better to use it in windy conditions to prevent air from drying the tear film or some particle enters the eye. On your bike always wear a helmet in the car during long trips to ensure that there is plenty of air circulation, avoiding the air nozzles are directed at him. Avoid smoking. If redness, use artificial tears to the classic. Avoid the eye is too dry or irritated (the symptom is burning and redness). Contact lenses with UV filter would also protect from the sun? "It's better to put some good sunglasses."
Small corneal injury if not properly treated, can turn into ulcers, in some cases so severe as to impair vision and require corneal transplantation: a problem, that of the injury, which affects at least 2 percent of people who wear contact lenses for correcting vision, about 4 million in Italy. And it is a problem people often have a tendency to underestimate, sometimes undermining the health of their eyes
is difficult to say how many cases of corneal transplantation were due to contact lenses, but of course the percentage is around 0.1 per percent. Fortunately, with the spread of disposable lenses at the expense of long-term complications are less frequent than in the past. But we must not let our guard down or forget that the lenses are manufactured strictly medical use with care and not, as sometimes happens, even like a cosmetic. For those who make use of lenses is also a useful eye check regularly, do not procrastinate, especially if you experience discomfort to the eye. "
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