Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baltimore Ravens Birthday Card

The Italians are better than their leaders, perhaps the Po

E 'news these days that the legendary Oscar Lancini, the mayor of totalitarian Adro, was also downloaded from Bossi. Whatever led to this conclusion by dell'Umberto, it is clear that the Lancini has not the slightest idea what they mean the institutions, nor the political uproar that has created these 600 symbols in now infamous school. Obviously the good
Oscar knows he can not refuse an invitation from the Ministry to remove those symbols pending prosecution of Bossi means taking orders from the party and not by the State. Then the proper course
Oscar has no idea what it means to totalitarianism, and if you knew, that he would also be inserted into a system (fortunately for us, dummy), which closely resembles the system of totalitarian propaganda of the '900.
The sad reality is that Oscar Lancini these things may not have learned in school, not because it is taught in high schools Po Valley - which fortunately did not exist - but because our beloved mayor has only the middle school.

Far from wanting to do class-squalid controversies (that best suit their Bossi, Salvini & Co.), ignorance of this gentleman is not given by his or her degree, as the "political" decisions taken during the its mandate. Congratulations.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Save Game Port Royale 2

An old but very little story today

One day in 1652, a good day for someone, a bad day for others, a deputy of the Polish Diet began for the first time in the history of that state, its veto a measure on the agenda. The colleagues refused to go on and vote for the measure until this man, a Władysław Siciński, did not withdraw the measure. Siciński was not the work of that alert and froze. The Polish nobility (the szlachta ), who composed the lower house of the Diet, he used this as a precedent, giving rise to that principle of liberum veto , ie the possibility to veto the measure by measure, which quickly led to the Poland to a property that did not allow either to renew or to fight enemies who once stood before the time (Sweden and Russia at all). This is because the
szlachta , lying on their privileges, had no intention to give the king an army permanente paragonabile a quelli delle potenze europee né tantomeno una tassazione fissa e finì per diventare preda delle divergenti pressioni delle diplomazie straniere. L'immobilismo polacco porto all'impotenza della Rzeczpospolita, che passò dalla massima espansione del 1618 alla scomparsa dalle carte geografiche nel 1795.

Morale della favola: quando la politica guarda solo a se stessa (come talvolta accade in Italia), l'unico obiettivo è vincere le elezioni, non si fanno le riforme ed essa diventa pure schiava dei gruppi di pressione.

Seconda morale della favola: il Trattato di Lisbona potrebbe rivelarsi insufficiente per rendere efficace l'azione EU

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where Do They Sale Alvin And The Chipmunks Toys?

way for young people who you can trust, are able!

Public for the entire document Ozieri Young Italy (of which I am honored to be manager) delivered to the editorial staff of La Nuova Sardegna on 04/09/2010 and published the next day on page Ozieri:

"Recently on the website of the City of Ozieri was issued notice to the granting of building rights in areas of municipally owned site in the locality and Traccone Sas Predas fries" aimed at building wind farms. Basically the city was leased to private areas and to make the wind turbines.
This prassi è consolidata nella Giunta Ladu. Precedentemente, sempre sul sito comunale, era stato pubblicato il “Bando: Assegnazione in concessione di spazi comunali per l’installazione di impianti fotovoltaici”, nel quale si intendeva dare in affitto i tetti del padiglione fieristico di San Nicola a un privato che realizzasse degli impianti fotovoltaici. Già da tempo, inoltre, il Comune ha affittato circa 40 ettari di sua proprietà alla ditta multinazionale TERNA in modo che realizzasse delle serre fotovoltaiche, in cambio di un affitto annuale.

Noi della Giovane Italia in questi mesi ci siamo allora confrontati con dei tecnici sulla validità di queste pratiche. Ci siamo subito resi conto che non parlavamo di technical solutions to criticism, because of petty political philosophy, voted to find funds in the short term (see also the sale of the former Casema Carabinieri and Pharmacy of St. Nicholas) to carry out controversial projects (such as Terre Scores, € 300 000 in three years!) rather than long-term projects, as is appropriate to re-launch after a period of severe crisis.

We Ozieri Young Italy, launching an alternative proposal to the Board: Each year the City Council, for heating and electricity for municipal buildings (town hall, libraries, schools, cetntri services, etc.), spends considerable figures, of course. Because those same money (without spending a euro more) are not used to finance a mortgage and so the installation of photovoltaic systems in order to cut costs for heating and electricity? Within ten years, the loan would be repaid and the City would remain the photovoltaic panels, also well as we all know that also produced gains (the excess energy produced can be sold to Enel with government incentives for the next 20 years) .

The Young Italy Ozieri strongly criticizes the political philosophy of the Executive Ladu, fiercely aggiutivi seeking funds for projects of short-term profits to build kiosks, whose management is entrusted to non-profits in places where there are no commercial activities (Unlike the associations that pay taxes and contributions). The Young Italy Ozieri highly critical of the political philosophy that seeks the sale of our land to large multinational companies, leaving only our city already gnawed bones. The Young Italy Ozieri Ladu strongly criticizes the Government, which encourages the planting of wind turbines at the city, not only hinders the more natural continuity between Ozieri and the village of San Nicola, but enter the territory of the blades and large solar power plants (acres, visible from a distance) that impact negatively on the beauty of territoriro, ruining the project "Ozieri city turistica” che le ultime tre amministrazioni, compresa quella Ladu, perseguono.

E’ arrivato il momento di scegliere progetti di lungo periodo, è giunto il momento di impostare una pianificazione che ci permetta di decidere come questa città vuole cambiare. La pianificazione non è, evidenetemente, un modo di pensare dei nostri “esperti” amministratori e noi di Giovane Italia metteremo in campo impegno e competenze per cambiare questo sistema del “adesso e subito” che sta svilendo la dignità della nostra amata Città."

Spero vivamente che sia solo l'inizio di una campagna di risveglio e della comunità e della sua classe dirigente (anche se qui bisognerebbe speak once and for all parts!).

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Proper Church Greeting Protocal

Sometimes it is convenient to forget to read some interviews ... All

One day, shortly after the infamous massacre at Bologna (whose history is still controversial), a journalist " The job "in Genoa, that Daniele Protti, interviewed Giorgio Almirante, as they began to be pressing charges against the terrorism black about this assassination.
During this interview, the father of the Italian right said something - and I quote - and that should give pause:
"I'm going to Deputies in 1948, more than thirty years. The MSI has been transformed from that core Initial veterans of fascism. Now a permanent part of the political geography of the Italian Republic. It was a slow and difficult process. Well, but do you really believe that I can think of to end my career, my political life, by the undertaker of a party for a generation dying off for personal reasons and another because it closed in jail? Do you really think that it is so miserable to have this ambition to be nostalgic stoned? [...] Let me tell you more about this: I do not want to die fascist. So I'm working to identify and nurture those who will take the reins of the MSI after me. Young, born after the war ended. Not fascist. Do not nostalgic. Who believes, as I believe now I, too, in these institutions, in this Constitution. Because only then the MSI may have a future. Otherwise it is forced to disappear. Understand why they are so determined to deny any connection with anyone who has planted the bomb in Bologna? It is also an enemy of the MSI. "

Obviously this is not within the memory of who fills the mouth of the name of the late secretary, but then the politics of today is not only empty but is also the ideal '"expression of a mass that needs heroes, furthering its great defects," as some years ago (1994) Jovanotti.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Is Used As Electrolyte For Zinc Plating

unthinkable? Mah ..

Quando ci sono delle situazioni al limite del paradossale si è soliti dire "se me lo avessero detto tot tempo fa non ci avrei creduto" e solitamente quando diciamo questa frase siamo coscienti di ciò che diciamo e lo reputiamo la verità.
Ma pensiamo alla situazione politica interna al centro-destra, per intenderci la diatriba tra finiani e berlusconiani. Siamo sicuri di poter affermare che se ce lo avessero raccontato quattro anni fa non ci avremmo creduto? Riflettiamoci!
Aldilà della "lite" in sé tra le due anime della destra italiana, che rientra nell'ordine delle cose, avremmo considerato impossibile che Fini potesse prendere posizioni come il voto agli immigrati e la c.d. cittadinanza breve, che poi è la stessa rule that applies in all of Western Europe? I would say no, especially since he had already taken in 2003;
have considered impossible that Berlusconi maldigerisse contradictory? Let's be serious, no, we would have considered impossible
Belpietro Felt and could lash out in every way (not "consistent") against an opponent of Berlusconi? They have done so consistently every time;
have considered impossible that the people of AN could well accept the replacement of the charismatic leader in his imagination (if not more) of Fini Berlusconi? Not at all, because part of AN has always been very grateful for that same symbol Fini, regretting the idea (very debatable) of the MSI that he had made;
have considered impossible that the same people now consider Fini nothing less than a Communist? Well, the magic word was used for everyone, we would have considered impossible
the ardor of some characters like Brambilla? No, we have always known, we would have considered impossible
Bossi could throw so badly against the Future and Freedom? Well, in addition to having changed his mind 2345897 times (see the famous little comment on the "business" of Berlusconi), with Fini never got to see almost immediately;
have considered impossible for the leftist opposition would disappear? You do not even need to enter into the details!
short, maybe all things unpredictable (not so) but do not think anyone could ever say "No, that's impossible!"

But I think that in four years may be possible to do an intervention of this kind with the same tones. The policy begins to look a bit 'too much to itself (read, eighteen years of the Second Republic and there was no real break in the historic legislative initiatives, reforms).

Before closing, one thing I would have deemed impossible. Yes! The face of ass Capezzone, which in four years he managed to say everything and the opposite of everything!
Who knows what will happen ...