The policy sucks? The remedy is us! “Uniamoci, amiamoci
L’unione e l’amore
Rivelano ai Popoli
Le vie del Signore “
Queste sono parole che vengono dalla parte un po’ meno nota de Il Canto degli Italiani, ovvero il nostro amato (più o meno da tutti) inno nazionale. E’ da un po’ di tempo che rifletto sul fatto che il Risorgimento italiano dia spunti per affrontare il 2011. Sono questi anni disgraziati per la nostra generazione. Lavoro c’è ne poco, prospettive ce ne sono ancora meno. La politica che – a scanso immediato di equivoci – è that should give us the tools to raise his head, nine times out of 10 does not do his duty (anzi!). How do we go? Emigrate? The answer is often that. But how they do it with pleasure? Those who wish to pursue happiness and realize at home?
I have another idea, and passes for future generations.
As a member pro tempore of the National Organizing Committee for future generations, I can write here what should be in my opinion that future generations in reality such as Sardinia (but not only). Future Generations is a project that starts from the bottom. E 'representation and possibly the execution of the wishes of the children of today who, from the eighth exquisitely right for institutions give citizens the tools to decide how they want to conquer their own happiness, are pleased to share their ideas for development of their community. Communities that may be a country, a city, a neighborhood, a rural village, the entire region or, why not Italy.
future generations is a project that aims to give wings to the best of these projects. How? Certainly making sure that they are being transformed into a proposed "political". Making sure that the policy will not respond "This program has performed an invalid and will be closed", as Windows does when There is something wrong. Here, future generations must be a group of kids in every community, in Future Generation are tools to advance their ideas for their own community. It 'also what should be the policy in general.
is why it is topical to the Risorgimento let us unite and love one another, unity and love Show the people the ways of God. In essence, the various bla bla bla like "we need a new politics" or "we want a new way of doing politics "are diplomatic ways to say" politics as it literally makes us sick and we want to change it. " But since the diplomatic ways are often misunderstood, we begin to use words that belong to us: the policy as it sucks, is ugly, and we want to change it from us, all together.