In many, we wondered what would be the future of right after the election, the only certainty is the disappearance of the communists by Parliament, but the node and 'remained tied, and closer than ever.
The right path is clear, the post-fascists were organized immediately after the war, others trained on texts by thinkers such as Julius Evola and others including Benito Mussolini gave rise to the MSI, and finally in 1995 the National Alliance. AN
certainly was a scent of maturity of a right, like the Italian, but atypical typed the same to the Italian context.
But now, from April onwards, the scenario has totally changed: The People of Freedom, and now is the perplexity and doubts that arise.
The People of Freedom will be a real political entity capable of coagulating values, ideals, people and personalities, to move the center to the right or will it only a new empty container for ideas, ideals and values \u200b\u200bthat have been made and the bearer AN other extra-parliamentary groups?
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