Thursday, December 31, 2009

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barrels to New Year!

Copy and paste this code to insert the banner on your site Down? January 2010

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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that St. Nicholas to help me!

dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, this wonderful city also has some flaws, such as the weather!
In winter, a cold that makes you cagas and the snow is not so rare as the inhabitants of Madrid would have you believe! Today, with a cold exorbitant and half of Europe under the snow I'm at work and I:
1 - go to the airport and board the suitcase
2-take the plane to arrive at 19.45
3-Fiumicino airport at 22.05 4-
retrieve the suitcase and come to terms to take the train at 23.58

I'll make it??
comments and uphold me ... and that St. Nicholas to help me!

Will she take the train to Bari at 23:58?
no! stupid you who have bought this combination of tickets!
not, you lose the suitcase in Rome
yes, if by the driver, the taxi driver and the driver
yes, if Saint Nicholas helps free polls

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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whole world is country? in this case YES!

Caro amico italiano che vuoi venire a vivere a Madrid, sebbene io pensi fermamente che tra italiani e spagnoli le differenze sono assoltamente più evidenti e forti delle somiglianze oggi vorrei scrivere due righe a proposito di un interessantissimo articolo uscito ieri su El Mundo, secondo il quale in Spagna nel 2009 l’assenteismo ingistificato a lavoro si è ridotto di un 90%!
È ovviamente la paura di perdere il lavoro in tempo di crisi (in spagna il tasso di disoccupazione sfiora il 18%) che ha trasformato gli spagnoli in zelanti lavoratori...bhè, almeno in questo caso è vero che tutto il mondo è paese! (questo article in fact I think has been done to the 'effect Brunetta "Italian).
Well, finally a real similarity between Italian and English!

Friday, December 18, 2009

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'll finally with sympathy to the Duomo

premise that they are absolutely against any kind of violence I feel compelled to write two lines about what happened in Italy, about the launch of the statue of the Cathedral of Berlusconi.
I had opened a facebook group that somehow sympathized with Massimo Tartaglia, as though this episode did not approve the action of Massimo had seemed an exaggerated way to rock the boat, rather than an attack. The group in question had a short life of 24 hours, the end of which I received an email that I ifnormava for reasons of safety and respect for my group was closed.
are exactly these little episodes that make me happy to be living in Madrid, where people do not like the president when the country did not launch things on my mind, especially where citizens can say what they think without censorship, especially on the Internet .
Given the bad habit I do not think that this post will survive more than 24 hours, so read fast, my friend who want to come and live in Madrid!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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CERVEZA ... AND NOW! Y ahora ...

dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, if you like me love the taste of beer and the confused happiness that gives you too many to drink Madrid really is the place for you! A beer
Madrid is the host in these forms, so if you want to be updated and have a great figure, see this post before going to the bar:

VASO DE TUBE: glass jar (you can find them but also plastic) tubular shaped, rather long.
MINI: (MINI in Madrid, the rest of Spain "cache" to read "CACI"). Large plastic jar
Cana classic glass of beer
COPA: type glass, with very short stem
A METRO: long glass, un metro appunto, con piccolo rubinetto
JARRA: bicchiere molto molto grande, tipo pinta
MACETA: bicchiere esageratamente grande, tipo portafiori, dal quale si beve con cannuccia
BOTIJO (o BOTTELLIN): bottiglia da 20 cl
TERCIO: bottiglia da 33 cl
LITRONA: bottiglia da un litro.

La mia preferita è la classica caña , ma se la notte si fa impegnativa passo prontamente alla CLARA, birra mischiata con gaseosa o limon; il sapore è buono e lascia un pò più di respiro!

Grazie a PischiOne ed a Kike per avermi aiutato a conoscere tutte queste birre!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

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I was looking for a nice image but ironic about Christmas and I came across this . I was looking for something that would recall the Christmas of temporary workers, the unemployed, those who for one reason or another it is left alone.
Even this was not bad:

or this:

or this:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Whats The Difference Between Braces And Fill Ins


Las tapas sono una vera istituzione spagnola, un’usanza davvero popolare… ma cosa sono queste TAPAS? Molti credono che si tratti di un piatto o di un panino tipo spagnolo: errore!
Las tapas sono piccole razioni di formaggio, salumi, pesce, tortillas o altri prodotti serviti in piccoli piatti, come se fosse una degustazione. La cosa più interessante è che le tapas non si ordinano, ma vengono servite con la bevanda, che sia questa una cerveza (birra) o un bicchiere di vino; riassumendo: tu paghi da bere e per ogni bicchiere ti danno una squisitezza da mangiare! Praticamente ai miei occhi si tratta di una civilissima evoluzione that crazy thing we call happy hour and it costs a bang because is fashion!

Irme I love tapas on Sunday afternoon, because alcohol goes up quickly and fourth tapas the world has more colors!

How did this tradition? It is said that the origin comes from the visit of English King in a bar in a coastal city. The king asked for a glass of wine, but just before serving the cup got the wind, and the waiter placed a plate with a tapa of jamon on the glass so that you enter the sand, and the king liked so much gesture to require a tapas for each drink.

If you're the best tapeare places in Madrid click

Thursday, December 10, 2009

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towers Madrid

Madrid has a lot of things, including 4 towers .
Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) is a park that lies on the entrepreneurial cittàsportiva of Real Madrid, near the Paseo de la Castellana.
This is the tallest building not only in Madrid but in Spain, and are called: Torre Caja Madrid, Sacyr Vallehermoso Torre, Torre de Cristal and Torre Espacio. The first of these towers is the highest, with 250 meters!
My favorite is the Torre Espacio , which has a square shape which then becomes high.
When I go back to Madrid I like to watch the four towers that emerge from the flat landscape, are like four hands that greet me and show me the way, and I feel a lot happier!

Friday, December 4, 2009

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RENTA DE Emancipation alias a civilized country (quasi!)

dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, it is with great enthusiasm and pride that I write this post because today I was finally able to deliver all the cards to get the Emancipación de renta.
This is a civilized aid amounting to € 210 monthly that the state gives all EU citizens working in Spain and have an annual income of less than € 22:00.
obtain this aid is easy (although I have almost a year late!): on the page download the form to fill out carefully in both copies and return to the Oficina de Vivienda de Madrid ( should go directly there, and not in oficinas presenciales) with:

-nie-copy of a copy of the employment contract
-copy of the contract of rental
-copy of last three payslips

Once delivered to all documents must only trust in the state and wait a couple of months. Let's hope so!

The only comment I would make this a civilized system is as follows:
but because si aiutano solo i cittadini della comunità europea??? la spagna è un paese davvero internazionale (soprattutto Madrid), e la sua forza lavoro è data da moltissimi extracomunitari che pur avendo i nostri stessi doveri non hanno i nostri stessi diritti. Un gran peccato.

Finalmente fuori dal tunnel romano degli affitti a nero 400 euro per camera in case pietose (escludendo il paradiso, soprattutto umano, di via Monza) vi abbraccio!