Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Do Some Rugby Players Wear Helmets

Weirdness at the airport. 11/03/2011

You know the airport in Moscow? Yes, that infamous for the terrorist act which caused several deaths and many wounded. Well I am past those shares just weeks before the foul deed. It was (and still is) a bell'aeroporto with strange things.
The first is the cinema waiting. Passengers who do not know what to do while waiting for the coincidence can, paying less than the price of movie ticket, positioned on a comfortable sofa and seeing a movie like the movies. Not bad right?
shame that the film in Russian just do not see or, rather, hear!
Not so much for the language (which is tricky anyway) but just to the fact that the dubbing is done over the original English audio. Then you hear in the background dialogue in English and, with a few seconds delayed, the audio dubbing ball. In practice it seems like having someone next to you talking in your ear translating the film.

Another oddity is the distributor of orange juice! Ok, there is in Italy but ... not like this.
The infernal machine, in fact, inside of real oranges (amazing-_-') which takes and squeezes on the spot! Warmer than that ...
pity that the oranges are grown in Chernobyl and are fluorescent green .... Nope joke, it seems good to see them!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Atlanta Gay Cruising Spots

I borrow your post for the friend Angely the terrible events that took place in Japan. While in Italy
discussing letters, viagra, satellite party, laws ad personam, breasts redone and penalty kicks missed ... people die and the Earth seems to bear more. How
blame her?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Dickies Pants Shrink?

Pasta walking. Track Mania

Go for ice cream, sandwiches and even the fries ... Walking the pasta I had ever seen though!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Breast Augmentation Nipple Placement

The policy sucks? The remedy is us!

“Uniamoci, amiamoci
L’unione e l’amore
Rivelano ai Popoli
Le vie del Signore “
Queste sono parole che vengono dalla parte un po’ meno nota de Il Canto degli Italiani, ovvero il nostro amato (più o meno da tutti) inno nazionale. E’ da un po’ di tempo che rifletto sul fatto che il Risorgimento italiano dia spunti per affrontare il 2011. Sono questi anni disgraziati per la nostra generazione. Lavoro c’è ne poco, prospettive ce ne sono ancora meno. La politica che – a scanso immediato di equivoci – è that should give us the tools to raise his head, nine times out of 10 does not do his duty (anzi!). How do we go? Emigrate? The answer is often that. But how they do it with pleasure? Those who wish to pursue happiness and realize at home?
I have another idea, and passes for future generations.
As a member pro tempore of the National Organizing Committee for future generations, I can write here what should be in my opinion that future generations in reality such as Sardinia (but not only). Future Generations is a project that starts from the bottom. E 'representation and possibly the execution of the wishes of the children of today who, from the eighth exquisitely right for institutions give citizens the tools to decide how they want to conquer their own happiness, are pleased to share their ideas for development of their community. Communities that may be a country, a city, a neighborhood, a rural village, the entire region or, why not Italy.
future generations is a project that aims to give wings to the best of these projects. How? Certainly making sure that they are being transformed into a proposed "political". Making sure that the policy will not respond "This program has performed an invalid and will be closed", as Windows does when There is something wrong. Here, future generations must be a group of kids in every community, in Future Generation are tools to advance their ideas for their own community. It 'also what should be the policy in general.
is why it is topical to the Risorgimento let us unite and love one another, unity and love Show the people the ways of God. In essence, the various bla bla bla like "we need a new politics" or "we want a new way of doing politics "are diplomatic ways to say" politics as it literally makes us sick and we want to change it. " But since the diplomatic ways are often misunderstood, we begin to use words that belong to us: the policy as it sucks, is ugly, and we want to change it from us, all together.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Approx How Much Do Weaves Cost

rispoverato Recently I play a very nice car racing nice: Track Mania.
In practice this is run with the cars details (a cross between a formula and ... boh?) On the slopes strange and special, full of jumps, loops, turbo boost, etc..
The particularity of this game is that both tracks and both opponents are computer-controlled but are other people who connect to challenge those who make "the best time."
We find ourselves in this way to compete with people who are in America, Turkey, France, Germany, England etc.. on the tracks that have only the limits of human imagination.
It 's very funny and, among other things, is ... "Free".
Just go to: e scaricare il gioco, installarlo e... via! Si parte! Si può giocare in locale su delle piste già "preconfigurate" oppure cliccare su uno dei tanti server disponibili per garehhiare subito con gli altri!
Per darvi un'idea del gioco ecco un filmato:

Prima ho detto che il gioco era gratuito ma non è proprio esatto, infatti per la versione free è prevista una gara di stop ogni cinque effettuate. Durante la gara di stop, comunque, potrete fare da spettatore e divertirvi a vedere le evoluzioni della corsa da delle telecamere sulla pista.

Nella foto in alto c'è la mia vettura appositamente riverniciata. Ah, dimenticavo... potete personalizzare la vettura a piacimento without any limit. Some drivers did a real work of art!

below an image containing some of my markers ... ah, the coach calls "Cose_Di_Alex!

fun e. .. see you on the track!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mix Glidden Brown Bag

A genius.

But today I want to overdo it and then double:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Much To Redo A Car

Ladies and gentlemen ... twist: A new

... these are adults!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Soft Knot On Dogs Tail


Today I would like to speak of a writer known almost by chance: Enrico Graglia.
Well, actually, is not even a writer Occupation (although I'm sure that one day it will come), it does so for pleasure and because it has stories in my head that want to share with others.
I said that I met by chance through his book: The Feathered Serpent.
I've never been a fan of fantasicenza but this book struck me because it very well written and especially for the characterization. A group of mercenaries
finds himself in a hostile and primitive world in search of a fabled treasure hidden in a pyramid.
The story unfolds in flashback and present continuous attravesro worlds and galaxies to discover the daily life on other planets, space travel time to watch a particular episode of each membro della spedizione.
Una trama convincente con un finale che lascia presagire un seguito...
Convinto dal primo approccio ho letto anche "Carne morta" che, al momento, reputo il suo miglior lavoro. Questa volta Graglia abbandona la fantascienza spaziale per farci viaggiare in un mondo postapocalittico popolato da... zombie. Se pensate che sia una cosa trita e ritrita allora sappiate che è uno di quei libri che non vedevo l'ora di tornare a casa dal lavoro per poter sapere il seguito della storia.
Al momento so che sta preparando un romanzo d'amore ma, conoscendolo, credo che riserverà qualche sorpesa.

Dunque, se volete leggere le opere suddette di Enrico Graglia avete due possibilità:
1) Le potete leggere "Free" on the site that hosts its work: clicking on "Words to be discovered on the left.
( the direct link HERE).
2) You can buy the books if you like me pleasure to hear the pages rustling and, above all, do you like to have the works that you liked most.
Unfortunately at the moment I do not know the site that sells them but you can ask him directly
on Facebook or email (replace with @ ET).

The plot of "Dead meat"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Breast Cancer Wrestling Singlet

Appaloosa. If

Appaloosa una razza di cavalli dal manto maculato ma è anche un film western con due attori bravissimi: Ed Harris e Viggo Mortensen.
Addirittura Jeremy Irons (che fa la parte del cattivo!) viene eclissato dalla bravura dei due attori principali.
E' un a storia molto particolare incentrato sulle vicende avventurose ed amorose di due pistoleri di professione.
Ora, il film è molto bello e ve lo consiglio, magari sul sito di Robydick ( ) potrete trovare una recensione "delle sue" (spettacolari!) tuttavia non è di questo che vorrei parlare.
Ebbene, uno dei due protagonisti del film, Viggo Mortensen assomiglia a Lu!
(Sì, il Lu che potete leggere su ).
Ok, stop all ... when I say I do not mean similarity only to physical but also to the more ephemeral that it perceives and feels rather than what you see and touch. The way you walk, the way of seeing things, the expressions ... in short, the whole outline of this character does nothing but take me Lu
For example ... look here:

Apart from the similarity in the features principlai, the way in which the head is tilted, his eyes half closed, clothing ... this is between Lu few decades.
But the best it can be seen in the film because Viggo behaves and does the same choices that Lu would (apart, perhaps kill people ... I hope!).

So ... you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow Lu (inside and out)? Look

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Mascara For Straight Eyelashes

Video Rai.TV - TG3 - Out of Tg 19/01/2011 - Law to protect the nonsmoker

Video Rai.TV - TG3 - 19/01/2011 Out of Tg

Monday, January 17, 2011

Miranda Cosgrove Hula Skirt

Too many people. The strategic

If you oppress the people, if you feel short of breath when you're in a mall di sabato pomeriggio, se la massa di persone vi fa venire voglia di scappare via beh... complimenti, perchè siete anormali!
Alla gente piace stare appiccicati, stretti, "vicini vicini" e più c'è massa e confusione tanto più se ne crea. La folla è come un grosso buco nero che attrae e risucchia tutto quello che gli sta intorno.
Tutto questo è la normalità ... TRANNE... che nel periodo dei saldi.
In questo breve lasso di tempo, infatti, pare che le persone si scindano in più parti perchè la massa si moltiplica e riempie tutto come quando a tavola inavvertitamente si rovescia un bicchiere e l'acqua in pochi attimi si espande da tutte le parti.
Ebbene, a Torino c'è una via in centro dove do not pass cars but also chock full of shops. It's called Via Garibaldi, is about a mile long.
And here's what it looked like photographed this street on Saturday afternoon by the red dot on the white line right where it starts.

A kilometer of solid mass of humanity.
Now ... I have not had the courage to tuffarmici inside ... What would you have done?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dermatomyositis In Shelties


One of the most beautiful pieces of Littizzetto.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Street Racing Syndicate Save Game

Let me pass.

unruly motorist How to understand that you can not park in front at the gate?
But you can not, nothing, nisba, niet, verboten!
Basically there are two methods:
1) You put the classic sign of "driveways."
2) You write something clear. Here's what did

wrote an owner occupied tired to find the gate and not be able to travel outside.

"Let me pass."
One word: crystal clear!

The picture, unfortunately, is not mine but Mark, a fellow-sufferer Asthe colleague.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wisconsin Table Shower

The holidays are over ...

... but the price paid was high!
And do not say so to speak!
few days ago I came home from work and I found that the life-saving electricity jumped.
After I unsuccessfully interrogated for hours, I think they have discovered the cause!


My neighbor has absorbed all power to the whole building!
the other day had to come and see some friends. I have not revealed the location of the apartment, I only said: "Follow the light"!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cervix High And Soft With Creamy Discharge

The wolf-man.

Hello, good Epiphany.

Today I woke up with a consideration that most of you this may seem obvious but, for me, I can understand only now.

all started thinking about the last film focuses on the theme of lycanthropy "The Wolfman" with Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins.
few days ago I lent the DVD and the usual question: "How?" I replied that after all the uomolupo is not one of my favorite shows because it basically is a beast without a hint of guile or reasoning that attacks to kill and nothing else.

However, this morning I thought about this sentence and I said that one thing is very strange! Everyone knows that the wolf, though not really forced, does not attack people and everyone knows that this animal never acts on the basis of blind rage, but with the herd, as planning each hunting for example by moving against the wind so as not to smell its prey, dividing the group into two to encircle the target and so on.
What makes this animal a monster?
Easy, the human part!
The monster is not part of a human with a wolf, but the exact opposite, a wolf with a human side. And 'the man the monster that infects the wolf and not the other way.
is, therefore, that all makes sense.
The killings in order to provide food, unnecessary cruelty in committing the act, the killing and enjoy all human and no animal.
The monster, the real monster ... is the man.
From this point of view, everything takes a different perspective. The vampire!
Il mostro non è il pipistrello succhiasangue che, di solito, se ne sta a testa in giù in una grotta e per nutrirsi prende qualche goccia di sangue dagli animali. No, il mostro è l'umano che, ingordo, dissangua i suoi simili per trasformarli in altrettanti vampiri!
E' questa la vera aberrazione.

Chissà se quando gli animali parlano tra loro si raccontano storie crudeli sugli umani, magari semi-umani del tipo l'uomoferro che gira per il bosco sparando ed uccidendo solo per la gioia di farlo.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ho To Get Rid Of Vircose Veins

Spartacus ... Good

... Blood and Sand.
Questo il titolo del film che stavo vedendo, una rivisitazione molto alterata della storia del famoso gladiatore.

Ma... ohibò, cos'ho visto in una scena?

Click to enlarge!
But yes, a snap hook model Invicta backpack!!
From what I see as well with a lot of black plastic headband with polyester flanging invisible!
But ... not fared so bad sti barbarians!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fun Brain Play Ground

This thing could definitely am going to write back to full in the "Daily Absurdity" of the blog Odyssey Web.
few days ago I went to eat at a place called Eataly . The characteristic arrangement of dining options makes the club to be formed 'islands' food so if you want eat pasta there is one location, another flesh, sweet yet another and so on.
idea all in all nice (and expensive!).

Obviously I could not fail to visit the bathroom inside was full of posters advertising the various products.

Here's my favorite:

Leggiamolo together: 'the latest invention by Teo Musso (who?), Owner of the brewery Baladin (who? Never heard of ... but you can see "House Baladin" clicking here).
has created a cream for hands and feet (hands and feet? "I seem to have different needs ...) for women, men and children (well, per tutti...) - attenzione, quasi mi vergogno a scriverlo - al gradevole sentore di birra.
Al gradevole sentore di birra? Cioè mi volete far credere che qualcuno trova gradevole girare puzzando come una distilleria o come un alcolizzato proveniente dai peggiori bar di Caracas?).
Mi volete far credere che una persona normale, uomo, donna o financo un bambino, troverebbe gradevole cospargersi i piedi di una crema all'aroma di birra? Del tipo al lavoro un collega ti fa:
-"Snif snif... ma che gradevole aroma che sprigioni dai tuoi piedi... che cos'è?"
- "E' Ceres, non lo senti?".
Ma finiamo di leggere: Dona una piacevole sensazione (e ci mancherebbe che fosse pure una sensazione dispiacevole!) fresh (you know that no one likes warm beer because he knows a. ..) and softness!
Softness! But what is a substitute Coccolino beer?

Anyway ... I went in search of the product to have a sample but, alas, I have not found.
Next time I will take a jar and will test it on myself. So help me God.