This thing could definitely am going to write back to full in the "Daily Absurdity" of the blog Odyssey Web.
few days ago I went to eat at a place called Eataly . The characteristic arrangement of dining options makes the club to be formed 'islands' food so if you want eat pasta there is one location, another flesh, sweet yet another and so on.
idea all in all nice (and expensive!).
Obviously I could not fail to visit the bathroom inside was full of posters advertising the various products.
Here's my favorite:

Leggiamolo together: 'the latest invention by Teo Musso (who?), Owner of the brewery Baladin (who? Never heard of ... but you can see "House Baladin" clicking here).
has created a cream for hands and feet (hands and feet? "I seem to have different needs ...) for women, men and children (well, per tutti...) - attenzione, quasi mi vergogno a scriverlo - al gradevole sentore di birra.
Al gradevole sentore di birra? Cioè mi volete far credere che qualcuno trova gradevole girare puzzando come una distilleria o come un alcolizzato proveniente dai peggiori bar di Caracas?).
Mi volete far credere che una persona normale, uomo, donna o financo un bambino, troverebbe gradevole cospargersi i piedi di una crema all'aroma di birra? Del tipo al lavoro un collega ti fa:
-"Snif snif... ma che gradevole aroma che sprigioni dai tuoi piedi... che cos'è?"
- "E' Ceres, non lo senti?".
Ma finiamo di leggere: Dona una piacevole sensazione (e ci mancherebbe che fosse pure una sensazione dispiacevole!) fresh (you know that no one likes warm beer because he knows a. ..) and softness!
Softness! But what is a substitute Coccolino beer?
Anyway ... I went in search of the product to have a sample but, alas, I have not found.
Next time I will take a jar and will test it on myself. So help me God.
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