Hello, good Epiphany.
Today I woke up with a consideration that most of you this may seem obvious but, for me, I can understand only now.
all started thinking about the last film focuses on the theme of lycanthropy "The Wolfman" with Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins.
few days ago I lent the DVD and the usual question: "How?" I replied that after all the uomolupo is not one of my favorite shows because it basically is a beast without a hint of guile or reasoning that attacks to kill and nothing else.
However, this morning I thought about this sentence and I said that one thing is very strange! Everyone knows that the wolf, though not really forced, does not attack people and everyone knows that this animal never acts on the basis of blind rage, but with the herd, as planning each hunting for example by moving against the wind so as not to smell its prey, dividing the group into two to encircle the target and so on.
What makes this animal a monster?
Easy, the human part!
The monster is not part of a human with a wolf, but the exact opposite, a wolf with a human side. And 'the man the monster that infects the wolf and not the other way.
is, therefore, that all makes sense.
The killings in order to provide food, unnecessary cruelty in committing the act, the killing and enjoy all human and no animal.
The monster, the real monster ... is the man.
From this point of view, everything takes a different perspective. The vampire!
Il mostro non è il pipistrello succhiasangue che, di solito, se ne sta a testa in giù in una grotta e per nutrirsi prende qualche goccia di sangue dagli animali. No, il mostro è l'umano che, ingordo, dissangua i suoi simili per trasformarli in altrettanti vampiri!
E' questa la vera aberrazione.
Chissà se quando gli animali parlano tra loro si raccontano storie crudeli sugli umani, magari semi-umani del tipo l'uomoferro che gira per il bosco sparando ed uccidendo solo per la gioia di farlo.
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