When money dominates health ... For Daniel
When economic interests prevail over common sense the damage is incalculable.
The case of Santa Giulia
Toxic waste, contaminated land, illegal disposal.
that hides all the money ...
Meanwhile people are dying of cancer, and we still wonder why ...
Environmental crimes should not be prescribed. The damage to human lives is incalculable, and go on for years and years later ....
Indeed, sometimes only after many years, we realize the consequences, when it is too late and they themselves also become the reclamation of the ways to make money.
And then someone says that "the environment is not interested in" ...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mirena And Antidepressants
delicacies in Madrid ... Huevos AL PLATO
Ecco qui una ricetta semplice e deliziosa: huevos al platos !
Si tratta di un piatto rappresentativo della cultura madrileña (o più generalmente spagnola) poichè contiene i pilastri della Iberian cuisine: eggs and chorizo \u200b\u200b(or jamon)!
In a ceramic dish (or any material that could be put in the oven) creates a thin layer of sauce, which is adagerà an egg. All around shalt put washers or pieces of chorizo \u200b\u200bjamon. If you want to give a touch of class to the plate strongly urge you to sprinkle the top layer with small pieces of smoked cheese from Puglia (as you see in the picture). Now place the dish in the oven (when it is warm!) Waaay high temperature for ten minutes or until the egg is cooked.
Drinnnnn! dinner is prontaaa! his death? a frog to Altamura bread!
Ecco qui una ricetta semplice e deliziosa: huevos al platos !
Si tratta di un piatto rappresentativo della cultura madrileña (o più generalmente spagnola) poichè contiene i pilastri della Iberian cuisine: eggs and chorizo \u200b\u200b(or jamon)!
In a ceramic dish (or any material that could be put in the oven) creates a thin layer of sauce, which is adagerà an egg. All around shalt put washers or pieces of chorizo \u200b\u200bjamon. If you want to give a touch of class to the plate strongly urge you to sprinkle the top layer with small pieces of smoked cheese from Puglia (as you see in the picture). Now place the dish in the oven (when it is warm!) Waaay high temperature for ten minutes or until the egg is cooked.
Drinnnnn! dinner is prontaaa! his death? a frog to Altamura bread!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
American Idol 9 Audition Songs
the word most used in Madrid Madrid
Posso senza alcun dubbio affermare che il verbo più utilizzato a Madrid, ma probabilmente in tutta la Spagna, è il celeberrimo verbo ECHAR.
Dare un’unica traduzione a questo verbo è praticamente impossibile, quindi mi limiterò ad elencare le occasioni in cui viene utilizzato:
ECHAR A ALGUIEN= CACCIARE QUALCUNO (tipo “vai viaaaaaaa!!!”)
ECHAR ...= METTERE ... (tipo sale/zucchero/etc...)
hacer it is a verb whose meaning is completely different and unique: DO.
(eg he buys hecho = I shopped)
Posso senza alcun dubbio affermare che il verbo più utilizzato a Madrid, ma probabilmente in tutta la Spagna, è il celeberrimo verbo ECHAR.
Dare un’unica traduzione a questo verbo è praticamente impossibile, quindi mi limiterò ad elencare le occasioni in cui viene utilizzato:
ECHAR A ALGUIEN= CACCIARE QUALCUNO (tipo “vai viaaaaaaa!!!”)
ECHAR ...= METTERE ... (tipo sale/zucchero/etc...)
hacer it is a verb whose meaning is completely different and unique: DO.
(eg he buys hecho = I shopped)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Go Cart With Car Mini Bodie
you die.
One thing I have to honestly admit that Madrid has to die.
Madrid I call "The Lady" because Madrid is not a place but a fat woman and soda, extravagant, loud, a provincial noble manners, adorned with ribbons, lace and pearls.
The Lady moves you away, I embrace you, strangle you with his boisterous laughter and do her vulgar, or leaves you in a lonely subway knows who lives in Madrid.
Madrid are dying because basta un fine settimana lontano dal suo raggio d'azione per avere paura di non trovarla più.
Perchè alcuni credono che le città sono una rete di strade più o meno grande su una mappa geografica, immobili.
Io invece credo che uno parte e vive, facendo delle cose, e quando torna nella sua città questa non c'è più.
Aspettami Madrid.
One thing I have to honestly admit that Madrid has to die.
Madrid I call "The Lady" because Madrid is not a place but a fat woman and soda, extravagant, loud, a provincial noble manners, adorned with ribbons, lace and pearls.
The Lady moves you away, I embrace you, strangle you with his boisterous laughter and do her vulgar, or leaves you in a lonely subway knows who lives in Madrid.
Madrid are dying because basta un fine settimana lontano dal suo raggio d'azione per avere paura di non trovarla più.
Perchè alcuni credono che le città sono una rete di strade più o meno grande su una mappa geografica, immobili.
Io invece credo che uno parte e vive, facendo delle cose, e quando torna nella sua città questa non c'è più.
Aspettami Madrid.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Where Can I Find Blueprints For A Sand Rail
not far from Madrid ... y Extrema hard
Dopo la Comunità Autonoma di Madrid e la Castilla Leon una regione della Spagna che io amo moltissimo è l' Extremadura , territorio affascinante e misterioso dalla natura estrema e dura , come dice appunto il suo nome.
If you love meat, vegetables, honey, alcohol, and the disarming nature of Extremadura is the region for you.
this time I've eaten a lot of exaggerated MIGAS ! I've got a panzaaaa!
This is a great country recipe that provides a pimp hard bread crumbs, garlic, bacon, jamon and paprika lightly browned (like any English dish!)
Italian Dear friend, if you want to come and live in Madrid or really want to hear your love with Spain and you can not avoid covering the lush forests of this area!
after I ate and drank like a calf, I ventured on a quad ... I thought to die!! Fortunately, however I survived! here is the link for the true adventurer and nature: http://www.actionvera.com/ !
As you know I do not do advertising, so if I do honestly recommend something!

Dopo la Comunità Autonoma di Madrid e la Castilla Leon una regione della Spagna che io amo moltissimo è l' Extremadura , territorio affascinante e misterioso dalla natura estrema e dura , come dice appunto il suo nome.
If you love meat, vegetables, honey, alcohol, and the disarming nature of Extremadura is the region for you.
this time I've eaten a lot of exaggerated MIGAS ! I've got a panzaaaa!
This is a great country recipe that provides a pimp hard bread crumbs, garlic, bacon, jamon and paprika lightly browned (like any English dish!)
Italian Dear friend, if you want to come and live in Madrid or really want to hear your love with Spain and you can not avoid covering the lush forests of this area!
after I ate and drank like a calf, I ventured on a quad ... I thought to die!! Fortunately, however I survived! here is the link for the true adventurer and nature: http://www.actionvera.com/ !
As you know I do not do advertising, so if I do honestly recommend something!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Los Angeles Moving Companies
For a heterosexual quite convinced me that as a practitioner and de MALES OF MADRID is a subject quite painful, as in Madrid males are practically all fag.
Well, not all, for example Pischa One (Who's PischiOne? In a post I will explain!) And some of his friends no, (and I imagine that in this city there is endless some of the other heterosexual male, I say!), however, say that the amount of fag who live here is truly impressive.
For example, if you, pretty woman and relaxed as Chechi, you are walking to Madrid and a son is watching your ass you have the 80% chance that he is watching your ass, noooo, but your jeans, thinking "diossss que guapossss! Me quedarian bien ???".
So if you're not a friend but an Italian friend and single heterosexual and want to come and live in Madrid ... think well, maybe not the right city for you.
While if you are an Italian friend gay and single and want to come and live in madrid now preparing to pack, and of course an envelope with Galletti Mulino Bianco you deliver to your arrival at Barajas!

For a heterosexual quite convinced me that as a practitioner and de MALES OF MADRID is a subject quite painful, as in Madrid males are practically all fag.
Well, not all, for example Pischa One (Who's PischiOne? In a post I will explain!) And some of his friends no, (and I imagine that in this city there is endless some of the other heterosexual male, I say!), however, say that the amount of fag who live here is truly impressive.
For example, if you, pretty woman and relaxed as Chechi, you are walking to Madrid and a son is watching your ass you have the 80% chance that he is watching your ass, noooo, but your jeans, thinking "diossss que guapossss! Me quedarian bien ???".
So if you're not a friend but an Italian friend and single heterosexual and want to come and live in Madrid ... think well, maybe not the right city for you.
While if you are an Italian friend gay and single and want to come and live in madrid now preparing to pack, and of course an envelope with Galletti Mulino Bianco you deliver to your arrival at Barajas!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fishing Wedding Slogan
BIRTHDAY to my sister for her birthday from MADRID
today Chechi's sister (ie my sister) turns 32 years: FELIZ Cumpleaños! A
chechimadrid@gmail.com I received several emails telling me to tell me something, I do in Madrid, where they are, put photos, etc. ...
but I do not know what to say in my life!
but I just want to talk MADRID, Checa and as a satellite revolves around! However
to thank these compassionate who have written me take advantage of this special day to post something of my life ... two pictures of my sister ...
sister does not hate me! THIS IS MY GIFT FOR YOU! (then I have another consumerism and materialism, tranqui!)
these photos were taken when my sister was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Dublin.
I have covered his face because my sister is a neurologist, and the license because of these pictures I feel a Merdy!
I hope this post a little more personal likes and cause some comment, because I'm already half dead blog starts to depress me!
hello, and wish sister!

today Chechi's sister (ie my sister) turns 32 years: FELIZ Cumpleaños! A
chechimadrid@gmail.com I received several emails telling me to tell me something, I do in Madrid, where they are, put photos, etc. ...
but I do not know what to say in my life!
but I just want to talk MADRID, Checa and as a satellite revolves around! However
to thank these compassionate who have written me take advantage of this special day to post something of my life ... two pictures of my sister ...
sister does not hate me! THIS IS MY GIFT FOR YOU! (then I have another consumerism and materialism, tranqui!)
these photos were taken when my sister was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Dublin.
I have covered his face because my sister is a neurologist, and the license because of these pictures I feel a Merdy!
I hope this post a little more personal likes and cause some comment, because I'm already half dead blog starts to depress me!
hello, and wish sister!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How To Paint The Travel Trailer
A console
I can not explain exactly what happened, but tonight while playing with the x-box microsoft pirated ones (but who are you? Stronziiii!) We have found and blocked the console! MADRIDDDD despair!
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, I ask for help and support during this difficult time. Know someone
pirate so you can cancel the first tarot console and returns to the normal x-box?
Anyway, I would like to specify that if the games cost a little less than we would not have pirated anything!
... while I write there is a doubt but it is only with this admission ADVERTISING stop me now ??!?! Thank you
for the support, my dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid
I can not explain exactly what happened, but tonight while playing with the x-box microsoft pirated ones (but who are you? Stronziiii!) We have found and blocked the console! MADRIDDDD despair!
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, I ask for help and support during this difficult time. Know someone
pirate so you can cancel the first tarot console and returns to the normal x-box?
Anyway, I would like to specify that if the games cost a little less than we would not have pirated anything!
... while I write there is a doubt but it is only with this admission ADVERTISING stop me now ??!?! Thank you
for the support, my dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid
What Color Shirt Goes With Blue Vest
be destroyed in Madrid fans in Madrid
The other day I spoke with a English football, and I summed up the fans so madrileña:
" the jocks perbenino a little cheering Real Madrid, while the athletes and the passion and suffering .
I, needless to say, I immediately became a bitter enemy of the athlete and ultras del Real.
Blinded by passion for soccer for 7 euros yesterday I went to the stadium, not to see my team but the enemy corazon: Disgusting
THE REAL MADRID! The game was
contro l’ Alcorcón, la mia seconda squadra del cuore (dopo l’Atletico) da circa 24 ore.
Pur non vincendo abbiamo fatto la nostra porca figura!
Io ho gridato ed incitato come una matta, pur capendo meno della metà di quello che succedeva in campo.
Ê stato molto emozionante.
Al 17 minuto del 2º tempo l’orchite mi stava divorando, ma traendo le conclusioni posso dire che ME LO HE PASADO DE PUTA MADRE!

The other day I spoke with a English football, and I summed up the fans so madrileña:
" the jocks perbenino a little cheering Real Madrid, while the athletes and the passion and suffering .
I, needless to say, I immediately became a bitter enemy of the athlete and ultras del Real.
Blinded by passion for soccer for 7 euros yesterday I went to the stadium, not to see my team but the enemy corazon: Disgusting
THE REAL MADRID! The game was
contro l’ Alcorcón, la mia seconda squadra del cuore (dopo l’Atletico) da circa 24 ore.
Pur non vincendo abbiamo fatto la nostra porca figura!
Io ho gridato ed incitato come una matta, pur capendo meno della metà di quello che succedeva in campo.
Ê stato molto emozionante.
Al 17 minuto del 2º tempo l’orchite mi stava divorando, ma traendo le conclusioni posso dire che ME LO HE PASADO DE PUTA MADRE!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
How Much Does A Coolant Flush Cost
Have a sore throat in Madrid
Avere mal di gola è una cosa orribile, soprattutto se questo ti succede a Madrid, e sei così cazzone da non esserti ancora empadronato, e quindi non avere un medico.
Caro amico italiano che vuoi venire a vivere a Madrid, tu do not like me, that after almost a year I still have not delivered the paper.
Then when I'm better at work and not explain what this story dell'EMPADRONAMIENTO.
Hasta pronto!
Avere mal di gola è una cosa orribile, soprattutto se questo ti succede a Madrid, e sei così cazzone da non esserti ancora empadronato, e quindi non avere un medico.
Caro amico italiano che vuoi venire a vivere a Madrid, tu do not like me, that after almost a year I still have not delivered the paper.
Then when I'm better at work and not explain what this story dell'EMPADRONAMIENTO.
Hasta pronto!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Funny Grandparents Anniversary Speeches
November 9: dia de la Almudena in Madrid
Today is feast is celebrated on the Almudena, the saint of Madrid.
I'm happy because I did not work!
Only to find a bar open for breakfast, I walked for 20 minutes, as well as having spent almost € 8 for 2. The bar in question is located in Glorieta Santa Maria de la Cabeza (as I do not know!): Do not go! They are thieves!
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Today is feast is celebrated on the Almudena, the saint of Madrid.
I'm happy because I did not work!
Only to find a bar open for breakfast, I walked for 20 minutes, as well as having spent almost € 8 for 2. The bar in question is located in Glorieta Santa Maria de la Cabeza (as I do not know!): Do not go! They are thieves!
Ver mapa más great
Sunday, November 8, 2009
M Graham Walnut Alkyd Medium
Breakfast in Madrid
A Madrid la tradizione vuole che si faccia colazione con CHURROS o PORRAS accompagnati da cioccolato, latte o caffè: ma di cosa si tratta?
cosa nascondono questi inquietanti nomi?
Si tratta di cilidri di farina di grano, acqua e sale impastati, plasmati e FRITTI!
La differenza tra i due è che los churros sono lunghi e sottili (spesso a forma di enorme tarallo), las porras pezzi di massa cilindrica, corti e grossi .
(La sensazione non è molto diversa da quella che si prova facendo colazione con gli avanzi della parmigiana...)
Per Chechi la colazione ideale è un bocata de queso (cheese sandwich) but so far no one has given me not only right, but are also forced to endure the looks of the inquisitors people every time I have breakfast at the bar!
And what do you think?

A Madrid la tradizione vuole che si faccia colazione con CHURROS o PORRAS accompagnati da cioccolato, latte o caffè: ma di cosa si tratta?
cosa nascondono questi inquietanti nomi?
Si tratta di cilidri di farina di grano, acqua e sale impastati, plasmati e FRITTI!
La differenza tra i due è che los churros sono lunghi e sottili (spesso a forma di enorme tarallo), las porras pezzi di massa cilindrica, corti e grossi .
(La sensazione non è molto diversa da quella che si prova facendo colazione con gli avanzi della parmigiana...)
Per Chechi la colazione ideale è un bocata de queso (cheese sandwich) but so far no one has given me not only right, but are also forced to endure the looks of the inquisitors people every time I have breakfast at the bar!
And what do you think?
How Self Cleaning Shavers Work
the NIE
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, before arriving here book your CITA (= appointment) for the NIE (Number de Identidad de Extranjero). For this blessed
NIE (without which you can not work or open a bank account, nor give you a phone contract, or anything) there are more files to do (contrary to what is written on some websites) but you have to do this: 1 ª
call from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 and the +34.902565701 set your appointment
2 ª see the quotes obtained and print the so-called justificante site www.consultacita.com
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, know that from the time of your call when you go to collect the NIE in C / Manuel Luna 29 (meters Estrecho, line 1) will spend about 70 days .
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, before arriving here book your CITA (= appointment) for the NIE (Number de Identidad de Extranjero). For this blessed
NIE (without which you can not work or open a bank account, nor give you a phone contract, or anything) there are more files to do (contrary to what is written on some websites) but you have to do this: 1 ª
call from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 and the +34.902565701 set your appointment
2 ª see the quotes obtained and print the so-called justificante site www.consultacita.com
dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, know that from the time of your call when you go to collect the NIE in C / Manuel Luna 29 (meters Estrecho, line 1) will spend about 70 days .
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