Friday, December 4, 2009

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RENTA DE Emancipation alias a civilized country (quasi!)

dear Italian friend who want to come and live in Madrid, it is with great enthusiasm and pride that I write this post because today I was finally able to deliver all the cards to get the Emancipación de renta.
This is a civilized aid amounting to € 210 monthly that the state gives all EU citizens working in Spain and have an annual income of less than € 22:00.
obtain this aid is easy (although I have almost a year late!): on the page download the form to fill out carefully in both copies and return to the Oficina de Vivienda de Madrid ( should go directly there, and not in oficinas presenciales) with:

-nie-copy of a copy of the employment contract
-copy of the contract of rental
-copy of last three payslips

Once delivered to all documents must only trust in the state and wait a couple of months. Let's hope so!

The only comment I would make this a civilized system is as follows:
but because si aiutano solo i cittadini della comunità europea??? la spagna è un paese davvero internazionale (soprattutto Madrid), e la sua forza lavoro è data da moltissimi extracomunitari che pur avendo i nostri stessi doveri non hanno i nostri stessi diritti. Un gran peccato.

Finalmente fuori dal tunnel romano degli affitti a nero 400 euro per camera in case pietose (escludendo il paradiso, soprattutto umano, di via Monza) vi abbraccio!


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