Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Is Used As Electrolyte For Zinc Plating

unthinkable? Mah ..

Quando ci sono delle situazioni al limite del paradossale si è soliti dire "se me lo avessero detto tot tempo fa non ci avrei creduto" e solitamente quando diciamo questa frase siamo coscienti di ciò che diciamo e lo reputiamo la verità.
Ma pensiamo alla situazione politica interna al centro-destra, per intenderci la diatriba tra finiani e berlusconiani. Siamo sicuri di poter affermare che se ce lo avessero raccontato quattro anni fa non ci avremmo creduto? Riflettiamoci!
Aldilà della "lite" in sé tra le due anime della destra italiana, che rientra nell'ordine delle cose, avremmo considerato impossibile che Fini potesse prendere posizioni come il voto agli immigrati e la c.d. cittadinanza breve, che poi è la stessa rule that applies in all of Western Europe? I would say no, especially since he had already taken in 2003;
have considered impossible that Berlusconi maldigerisse contradictory? Let's be serious, no, we would have considered impossible
Belpietro Felt and could lash out in every way (not "consistent") against an opponent of Berlusconi? They have done so consistently every time;
have considered impossible that the people of AN could well accept the replacement of the charismatic leader in his imagination (if not more) of Fini Berlusconi? Not at all, because part of AN has always been very grateful for that same symbol Fini, regretting the idea (very debatable) of the MSI that he had made;
have considered impossible that the same people now consider Fini nothing less than a Communist? Well, the magic word was used for everyone, we would have considered impossible
the ardor of some characters like Brambilla? No, we have always known, we would have considered impossible
Bossi could throw so badly against the Future and Freedom? Well, in addition to having changed his mind 2345897 times (see the famous little comment on the "business" of Berlusconi), with Fini never got to see almost immediately;
have considered impossible for the leftist opposition would disappear? You do not even need to enter into the details!
short, maybe all things unpredictable (not so) but do not think anyone could ever say "No, that's impossible!"

But I think that in four years may be possible to do an intervention of this kind with the same tones. The policy begins to look a bit 'too much to itself (read, eighteen years of the Second Republic and there was no real break in the historic legislative initiatives, reforms).

Before closing, one thing I would have deemed impossible. Yes! The face of ass Capezzone, which in four years he managed to say everything and the opposite of everything!
Who knows what will happen ...


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