Sunday, November 14, 2010

Boat Trailer Walk Board

Put my intervention at the site of the young generation these days: "Our historic challenge"

Quando nasce un nuovo soggetto politico c’è sempre un certo entusiasmo, in particolare tra noi giovani che abbiamo sempre la voglia di vedere un mondo migliore qualunque sia la condizione di partenza. Futuro e Libertà per l’Italia è percepito (da potenziali elettori e non solo) come un mezzo per spazzare via l’attuale mondo politico che non piace quasi a nessuno. È anche fisiologico. Siamo noi i primi fautori del nostro futuro, quindi siamo noi i primi che se ne preoccupano. Talvolta sfoghiamo questa voglia semplicemente protestando contro lo status quo, talvolta – e fortunatamente – entrando nella politica attiva, rimboccandoci le maniche e lottando con il knife between his teeth. Fini The President, during the meeting in Bastia Umbra, but already in his book "The Future of Freedom," said a new deal generation is the basic principle which must start in a country where space for young people is increasingly thinning in politics and, above all, in society. I would - with the humility of a young political novice - to add a detail: the generational pact should not be "Ottria" as the nineteenth-century liberal constitutions, but it will be our conquest, a new social contract, to quote Rousseau. The road to this can only get from the policy. What we are now being handed down by the political season that is running out (we have the courage to say it) is a conception of politics is not very edifying. Much of young people just to hear the word politics are affected by an attack of fulminant urticaria. My Sardegna in later centuries in the much-exploited and betrayed by his own Republican leadership after independence, that discomfort is even stronger. It's up to us young people, especially to us young generation, to show that a new Italy , unity in diversity and non-uniform drive, closest to the citizen and not to special interests is possible. We have a historic duty to show that - as you said a few years ago - the future is right and that a new generational pact is needed. This is the great idea of \u200b\u200bGianfranco Fini and is the primary task of young people show us that he is right.


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